I went to a cyber rave in the virtual environment Sansar. They have lots of those events . This particular event was linked to an NFT-drop featuring the work of a professional fashion designer, Stefan Kartchev. The Belgian start-up Mutani converts work made by fashion designers into digital work and put it on the The Dematerialized platform which uses the LUKSO blockchain to create an NFT referring to the work. In that way my speedwear
lives on that blockchain.
Is it silly to spend 150 euros to a virtual shirt? Not really. I was glad to wear it when I stood at the bar talking with beautiful avatars wearing stylish outfits. In the physical world I was wearing a Quest 2 VR-headset, wirelessly linked to a gaming desktop. In the virtual world I had the sensation of sharing the same space - dancefloor, bar - with other beings, wherever they physically were.
Being there with them was as real as being with others in the physical world. Which means one wants to dress up for the occasion. A new economy for fashion designers and developers emerges.