
Belgium has about 11 millions inhabitants. Scientists think that by 2050 about 330,000 Belgians will suffer from one form of dementia or another (think alzheimer by also tens of other diseases from the dementia-category).

This will cause huge additional costs to the health system and of course lots of suffering. People see the personality of loved ones change, patients lose memory faculties and need full assistance.

There is as yet no cure, for a number of varieties the full outbreak can be postponed by 5 up to 10 years if detected early enough. Sports, healthy lifestyle, intellectual activity and social contacts can help - the diseases are often a complicated puzzle of environment, lifestyle, genetics.

**Identities** shift when one suffers from dementia, **boundaries** between appropriate and inappropriate behavior break down as patients start saying whatever goed through their mind regardless of social consequences, start licking the plates etc.

Source: De Tijd