There is a whole universe of digital tribes of people with vaguely similar ideas and conceptions, collaborating without adhering to a specific, fixed program.
Joe Lightfoot suggests the whole space has been heavily influenced by a number of systems thinkers and synthesisers such as Alfred Korzybski, Buckminster Fuller, Gregory Bateson, Joseph Campbell, Marshall McLuhan, Jean Gebser, Ken Wilber, Joanna Macy, Ursula Le Guin, E.F Schumacher, James Baldwin and Donella Meadows.
They talk and work on new forms of collaboration, collective intelligence, sense-making, wisdom, system change, meditation...
They are not that much covered by mainstream media since there is no unifying organisation, program or list of demands. But yet it seems that there are quite a lot of these groups active and that these are at least important for the group members. Drivers seems to be a desire for more authentic relationships, leading a meaningful life (Work Signals), leading a physically and mentally healthy life (Health Signals), preparing for climate change (Eco-anxiety), finding new ways to deal with money and the economy (think local networks).
SOURCE: Joe Lightfoot about The Liminal Web: Mapping An Emergent Subculture Of Sensemakers, Meta-Theorists & Systems Poets .