
Not sure it's a signal, but there are positive commentaries on an Apple TV Plus-series, Severance. It's about a company where employees get a brain implant so that during work they forget completely about their life outside, and at the end of the day they are restored into an 'outie' who won't remember a thing about work.

I guess we will get to productivity enhancing stuff sooner or later, we already have pharmaceuticals for that.

There are a ton of interesting questions here about the nature of reality, life and work. Remember the book Reality+?

Is this a signal? What if this would become reality and go mainstream? What does the making of the series say about current unease about work-life balance - so many people working from home that they live the opposite extreme, where free time and work totally mingle. What about authenticity and people leaving their jobs because they want another and better life? What about **boundaries** and **identities**?