The web3-world and the blockchain

Web3 is about the decentralized web. The idea is that web1 was about static webpages, web2 was about interaction using blogs and forums. Web2 then evolved to a system dominated by huge centralized entities such as Facebook.

The blockchain is one of the major technologies enabling a decentralized infrastructure. With non-fungible tokens (NFT's) there seems to be far more mainstream traction.

However, once again a new centralizing movement could take place. In a research report discussed on Barron's, UBS says: 'Blockchains don’t scale in practice without turning into the same ‘plutocratic’ systems they were designed to replace'. Another take on the 'scalability trilemma' can be found here . Meta-remark: I stumbpled upon that article via an entry on fedwiki which I discovered via fedwikiriver .

The Financial Times reported that Facebook and Instagram will allow NFT's and would help users to mint and sell them, they're considering the launch of a marketplace. While fans of decentralization may reject that, it could very well push a mainstream audience to embrace NFT's and related metaverse-applications.