future scenarios

Now let's combine the future signals to a scenario.

It's 2031 and Maria sits in her vaxxer-cafe. That's a place where people come who got vaccins against the three COVID-versions which circulate at that time. Typically the vaxxers are more affluent and higher educated than the antivax-communities who have their own cafes.

Maria remembers how she decided to get the injection. Her zero-trust digital personal assistant analyzed about 5,000 scientific papers about the vaccins, and read about 100,000 peer reviewed articles about pandemics and vaccins in general. The conclusion was Maria should go for the vaccin produced by Arasaka Biotech Corporation.

The personal digital assistant of course could not be trusted itself. Therefore it was vetted and approved by the Mark Zuckerberg Oversight Foundation, an institution settling all disputes about fake news on the planet, except for Greater China, the Russian Empire and the People's Paradise of North Korea. This Foundation includes the very smartest people of the planet and high level AI assistants, and has a multi-billion budget.

The Arasaka Biotech Corporation is doing very well thanks to the high demand for the vaccin. There are a few competing companies producing alternative vaccins, all of those companies are listed on the NASDAQNYSE-exchange, the fusion of the two main stock exchanges of the United States.

On Reddit, an investor community of about 100 million members is actively engaged in the mass trading of the biotech stocks. They are assisted by a powerful AI agent, created by the enigmatic leaders of Reddit and unknown others. The agent monitors the market, the health situation of the population and millions of newsfeeds and social media. On that basis the algorithm suggests strategies for collective investing.