Let's take a future signal: specialists in cybersecurity and beyond love talking about **zero trust**. This means that rather than whitelisting people in an organization to have access to online resources, everyone is blacklisted. They only get access to what they need if they are authenticated, the health of their device is verified etc.
Now let's expand this. Zero trust is also what we practice during the pandemic. We wear masks and keep distance, we have zero trust regarding to colleagues, friends, family, strangers.
Fake news makes us having zero trust in whatever people say on (social) media. Heck, we even don't trust our own thinking process anymore. Maybe we got manipulated by some clever algorithm.
Let's take a second signal. **A virtual community on Reddit started buying GameStop, a stock which was under pressure by professional short-sellers.**
The stock went up and up to a value no analyst could possibly justify. It's the logic of the greater fool: one buys hoping to be able to sell to someone who is even more foolish. Yet the ideology was that of collective action against the Wall Street establishment.
Now let's combine the signals to future scenarios.